Floating Island

Keito Mitoma & Ryotaro Yamaguchi | Floating Island
三苫 ケイト & 山口 遼太郎 | 浮島:Floating Island
Feb. 15 – Mar. 15, 2025
Open 12:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Mondays)

 このたび、hakari contemporaryでは三苫ケイト(2001-)と山口遼太郎(1999-)の二人展を開催いたします。両者はそれぞれの分野で活躍が期待される新進気鋭のアーティストです。三苫はこれまで、平面や立体、映像、インスタレーション、パフォーマンスなど多様な手法を用い、反復や遠近感、動きのある静止などをテーマにコンセプチュアルな作品を制作してきました。一方、陶芸家である山口は、繊細でありながらも壮大な物語を感じさせるような、空間性を生かしたオブジェ作品をはじめ、器などの日用品も手がけています。本展は現代の美術と工芸の対話的な企画であり、次世代のアーティストたちが共通して抱く現代世界への眼差しを垣間見ることのできる機会となるでしょう。

本展のタイトル「浮島:Floating Island」は、現代社会との関係性における両作家の眼差し、そして作品制作において共有する主題や関心領域のメタファーです。「浮島」とは、湖や沼などに浮かぶ島のようなもので、さまざまな要因で姿が変化し、時には水中に沈むこともあります。さらに、「遠くの島や岬が水面から浮かび上がって見える現象」という意味も含まれています。本展における浮島は、外的要因によってその存在までもが危うくなるような流動性や不定性を象徴するとともに、ある事象に対する観察者の受け取り方が両者の距離や位置関係に依存することを示唆しています。本展はこのようなある種の「定まらなさ」とその様の「見えづらさ」を肯定的に捉え、収束しない知覚や思考を提示します。


次世代のアーティストとキュレーターは、本展を通じて、hakari contemporaryから未来への投企を試みます。

It is with great pleasure that Hakari Contemporary presents an exhibition of work by Keito Mitoma (b. 2001) and Ryotaro Yamaguchi (b. 1999). Both of these up-and-coming artists promise to make a significant mark in their respective fields.

Keito Mitoma creates conceptual works exploring themes such as repetition, perspective, and the movement of stillness. She employs a wide range of media including drawing, sculpture, video, installation, and performance.

Meanwhile, the ceramic artist Ryotaro Yamaguchi uses spatiality to create objects that evoke subtle yet grand narratives. In addition to sculptural works, he makes vessels and other functional items. This exhibition serves as a dialogue between contemporary art and craft, providing a glimpse into a new generation of artists’ shared perspectives of present-day society.

The title of the exhibition, Floating Island, serves as a metaphor for these perspectives as well as the themes and subject matter the artists explore in their works. The title refers to an island in a lake or swamp whose shape is altered due to a variety of factors, and at times sinks beneath the water. It also refers to a phenomenon in which distant islands or capes appear to rise above the water’s surface.

In this exhibition, floating islands symbolize the fluid and undefined in light of the fact that their very existence is vulnerable to external forces. The islands also suggest that perceiving a given thing depends on the distance and positional relationship between the seer and the seen. The exhibition examines indefinite and elusive qualities of appearance through non-convergent perceptions and thoughts.

Exhibition curator Muu Tanimura (b. 1998) primary focus is on artists’ means of production and methods of showing their works. He also has an interest in the motivations and ideas behind their creations. For this exhibition, Tanimura worked closely with the artists from the planning stage, and remained in close contact with them to carefully discern their similarities and differences. This process ultimately led to the exhibition title.

In this exhibition, emerging artists and a curator strive to convey a vision of the future from Hakari Contemporary.

Artist Profiles

三苫 ケイト
Keito Mitoma


個展(kumagusuku SAS、2023)、グループ展「Recipe : Complete Egg」(Ilaria Andreotti・神林優美・三苫ケイト、京都市立芸術大学、2024)、「réserve」(神林優美・中村さやか・三苫ケイト、the SITE、2024)、「京都駅ビル芸術祭2022」(京都駅ビル、2022)

Born in 2001 in Hyogo Prefecture. Currently enrolled in a master’s course in Concept and Media Planning at Kyoto City University of Arts. Recent exhibitions include the solo show kumagusuku SAS (2023), and the following group shows: Recipe: Complete Egg (with Ilaria Andreotti and Yumi Kambayashi), Kyoto City University of Arts (2024); réserve (with Sayaka Nakamura and Yumi Kambayashi), The Site (2024); and Kyoto Station Building Art Festival, Kyoto Station Building (2022).

keep still with shuffle
Keito Mitoma
(Dimension variable) (2023)

山口 遼太郎
Ryotaro Yamaguchi


個展「灯り 微かにかぜ」KUNSTARZT(2024)、グループ展「Kyoto Art For Tomorrow 2025-京都府新鋭選抜展-」京都文化博物館(2024)「春望 Gazing At Spring」(The Terminal Kyoto、2024)、「2024 アートアワードトーキョー丸の内」行幸地下ギャラリー(2024)「grid3」biscuitgallery渋谷・京都蔦屋書店6Fギャラリー(2024)、「わが陶はゆくえもしらずはてもなし」京都パルスプラザ・夢工房ブース(2023)、「予言」(山口遼太郎・中田さわ)kumagusuku(2023)受賞歴、京都市立芸術大学作品展奨励賞(2022)、アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2024フランス大使館賞(2024)

Born in 1999 in Osaka Prefecture. Completed a master’s course in ceramics at Kyoto City University of Arts in 2024. Recent exhibitions include the solo show Light Slightly Cold, Kunstarzt (2024), and the following group shows: Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2025, The Museum of Kyoto (2024); Gazing At Spring, The Terminal Kyoto (2024); Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi, Gyoko-dori Underground Gallery (2024); grid3, biscuit gallery (Tokyo) and Tsutaya Books (Kyoto) (2024); Waga to ha yukue mo shirazu hatemonashi, Kyoto Pulse Plaza booth, Yumekoubou (2023); and Yogen (with Sawa Nakata) kumagusuku (2023). Prizes include the Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2024, the French Embassy Award (2024), and an encouragement award at the Kyoto City University of Arts Annual Exhibition (2022).

Ryotaro Yamaguchi
(h20 x w410 x d240 mm) (2024)

Curator Profile

谷村 無生
Muu Tanimura


2024年マグダレナ・アバカノヴィッチ芸術大学(ポーランド)交換留学、展覧会「Works from Maki Collection Vol.1 鬼頭健吾」京都市立芸術大学(2024)、インタビュー「青木陵子さん×伊藤存さん 作ることと観ること。」KYOTO STEAM-世界文化交流祭-2022 prologue(2021)、「Special Interview|山田学」KYOTOGRAPHIE—京都国際写真祭(2023)

Born in 1998 in Kyoto Prefecture. Currently enrolled in a master’s course in the Science of Art at the Kyoto City University of Arts (set to graduate in March 2025). Took part in an exchange program at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan (Poland, 2024). Curatorial activities: Works From Maki Collection Vol.1: Kito Kengo, Kyoto City University of Arts (2024); Ryoko Aoki and Zon Ito: Creating and Watching, interview pre-event at Kyoto Steam: International Arts & Science Festival 2022 (2021); and an interview with Gak Yamada, Kyotographie (2023).